Why choose us?

REMii Group continues to bring real change to the advice given by the financial services industry to the millions of businesses that are searching for the best strategies to accumulate real WEALTH.

The goal is simple:

Through our “Trusted Advisor” network of CPA’s, attorneys, real estate, mortgage and insurance professionals, we optimize results using REMii Group S.M.A.R.T. – Strategies to Maximize Assets while Reducing Taxes.™

REMii Group advisors will guide you to increasing profitablity by reducing business costs, managing cashflow, and reducing taxes. We then identify opportunities in highly tax-favored investments such as real estate, protect and grow those assets, and provide the most innovative mortgage products available on the marketplace.

Finally, using life insurance for tax-reduction, long term care insurance for asset protection, and “premium financing” for leverage, we can reduce the costs to the business owner and optimize the results in all areas of wealth accumulation and protection. We strive everyday to achieve this outcome and will continue to do so for the decades to come.

The Perfect Portfolio

The Perfect Portfolio

Unlock the 'Buy, Borrow, Die' strategy—once exclusive to the wealthy elite—now accessible to you. Join our course for insider knowledge and practical skills, revolutionize your financial perspective, and secure your spot today!

Trusted Advisors

Trusted Advisors

REMii Group, Inc. understands that managing wealth goes beyond just financial investments; it involves comprehensive planning that often requires the expertise of various professionals. That's why we have curated a network of trusted advisors to whom we can confidently refer our clients.

Conscious Capitalism

Conscious Capitalism

At the REMii Group, we embody the principles of conscious capitalism, fostering employee well-being and professional growth alongside financial success, inspired by esteemed companies like Whole Foods and Costco.

We already helped
hundreds of peoples

“Before The Perfect Portfolio I was dependent upon my financial planner for my family's financial future. Having enough funds to be financially independent was a pipe dream. Now I am empowered and already am making enough in dividends to cover just about all our monthly expenses. Even more than that, I now have the knowledge to make wise financial decisions in beary market, executing "Buy Borrow Die" and teaching this to my spouse, children, family and friends. I’m so thankful to have found The Perfect Portfolio!”

Troy J.

Mortgage Broker, We Do Loans

"Highly recommend this course! Just recently pulled a hack and will increase my monthly cash flow by $1,500 + a month. Used OPM to pay off real estate loans, invest and make dividends, borrow more, and increase my cashflow from -629 to +918. Thank you Mark Quann!"

Robert J.

Financial Services

"This course has opened up my mind to things that I never knew were out there; never thought of before. This course really opened up my eyes. After this course, I feel like I can really help out my sister not only financially, but also educating her and her children to help make their lives easier. "

Lisa M.

Accountant and Operations Manager

“I’m really starting to look at how I can increase my income. I’m hoping to replace passive income so I can retire and still work but doing things that I want to do, helping other people more, volunteering more and then my day-to-day job will be making more money, but it’s not like I’m working for somebody else.”

Jean C.

Financial Planner and Tax Professional

Reach out to us

Get in touch with us now to kickstart your journey towards success.